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Commentaries & Media
Commentaries & Media
Research reveals the pros and cons of algebra in eighth grade
The push to enroll more students in eighth-grade algebra is well-intentioned, yet evidence on the effects of course acceleration is mixed.
Opinion | To help students shoot for the moon, we must think bigger and bolder
Only a historic collective investment in children and young adults will reverse America's decline in academic achievement.
The Pandemic’s Toll on Academic Growth Wasn’t Uniform. Recovery Efforts Can’t Be Either (Opinion)
Returning to "normal" will not be enough next school year, write three researchers.
Variability in the impacts of COVID-19 on student achievement
There is robust evidence that children lost ground academically as a consequence of the pandemic, but less research into how the effects varied by school district and household demographics. Using test data from 2.1 million students across the US, this column finds that remote instruction was a primary driver of widening achievement gaps by race and poverty. The authors argue that low-income districts that taught remotely in 2020-21 will need to spend nearly all of their federal aid on academic recovery to help students recover from pandemic-related achievement losses.
COVID's Long-Term Cost? Report Warns Students Could Lose $2 Trillion in Earnings
Over the past two years, virtually every American has suffered loss. Many have lost loved ones. Others have lost jobs or homes. In most instances, the only option is to accept fate and try to return to a sense of normalcy. However, when it comes to addressing students’ learning loss, we must resist the temptation […]
Student reassignments achieve diversity without academic adversity
School desegregation works.
Regular tutoring can help students catch up post-pandemic, but it’s slow to roll out in Oregon
In the furious effort to help students catch up in reading and math after two-plus years of pandemic upheaval, states around the country are zeroing in on a particular strategy: frequent, individualized tutoring. But not Oregon.
New Partnership to Help Districts Use Real-Time Data to Aid Student Recovery
Three education research organizations are joining forces to help school systems use data to aid student recovery from pandemic learning disruptions. NWEA, Harvard University’s Center for Education Policy Research and CALDER, at the American Institutes for Research, will partner with a consortium of districts across the United States to provide timely information about tutoring, after-school […]
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